
Countdown to Building Bridges 2021

Building Bridges will kick off on November 29 and run until December 2, 2021. Don't miss your chance, it's not too late to register.
Countdown to Building Bridges 2021

Building Bridges will kick off on November 29 and run until December 2, 2021. Don't miss your chance, it's not too late to register.

To help you make the most out of Building Bridges, we wanted to share some useful documents and resources:

Frequently Asked Questions on Sustainable Finance: This document is designed to unpack some frequently asked questions related to sustainable finance through the lens of the SDG Lab. These responses are intended to help spur greater understanding and dialogue within the sustainable finance space.

Building Bridges Primer: This document aims to offer some context and background – key messages and figures – on sustainable finance.

How to Collaborate on Sustainable Finance: This document showcases ways for private finance actors to channel resources towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

Connecting the Dots Between Investors and National SDG Plans: Activating Multi-stakeholder Collaborations to Source SME Investments at Scale | 1 December, 08:00 – 09:30 a.m., Forum Genève:

As more countries link their national development planning to the SDGs, this session will look at some collaborative efforts from the United Nations together with governments and investors to build strong SDG investment pipelines. Participants and panelists will discuss on what in the way of research, investment and leadership stills needs to happen.

View Event Flyer

Registration for this event is required and can be completed on the Building Bridges website.

This event will be livestreamed at https://bit.ly/3l7MRFy

Data workshops: Measuring the Social Dimension of Sustainable Finance | 30 November & 1 December, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m., Campus Biotech Innovation Park:

Measurement is one of the main challenges to advance the inclusion of social aspects in sustainable financing. This two-part workshop will invite participants to discuss how the finance and development community can collaborate to strengthen data design, collection, and usage for measuring the social impact of investments.

Flyer Workshop 1
Flyer Workshop 2

Both workshops are full. However, you can register to join the waitlist on the Building Bridges website.

Twelve lessons in Gender Lens Investing | 1 December, 12:30 – 14:00 p.m., Forum Genève:

Investing in women is essential to supporting global recovery post COVID-19, achieving the SDGs, and improving business performance. This event aims to share lessons learned from SheTrades’ capital providers already doing gender lens investing and discuss remaining gaps.

This event will be livestreamed at https://bit.ly/313mn0J

Gender Equality
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Peace. Justice and Strong Institutions
Partnerships For the Goals
Frequently Asked Questions on Sustainable Finance
Building Bridges Primer
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